"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Each link above takes you to a section of this website that contains material developed specifically for the purposes identified.

If you would like to go directly to the download section, click on the "All Downloads" link.

Math Guy Flag

MathGuy.us was created to provide FREE MATERIALS for use by math students, parents and teachers. You may use these materials free of charge as long as you are using them for educational purposes in a public, private or home-school setting. This includes tutoring and other educational activities for math students, but not for-profit business entities. If you have a question about the permissible use of these materials, please email Earl at

In order to access much of the material on this website you will need the free Adobe Reader, which is already installed on most computers (PCs and Macs), as well as many tablets and smart phones. If you do not have the Adobe Reader installed on your device, you may download it at get.Adobe.com/reader/. Note: to avoid installing more software than you want, unclick the boxes under "Optional offers" (middle column) when downloading the Adobe Reader.

Mathguy.us does not accept paid ads or funding of any type. The site is free of outside influence and is provided as a community service.


Information regarding Tuesday's Starbucks session will be posted here. This is the only way I have to contact DRHS students en masse.


Updated: February 7, 2025

Important Quote

"Education isn't simply about pushing children over an artificial borderline, but instead about stretching every pupil to unlock their potential and give them the opportunity to get on in life." Nicola Morgan, Secretary of State for Education, United Kingdom

Quick Reference


General Interest and News


Works of Noel Evans, Ph.D.

Android Apps


Geometry (Formal and Regular)





Available Materials

Below is a description of the materials available on this website. They were developed over a period of years during which Earl has tutored math at the Damonte Ranch High School in Reno, Nevada. We have included math handbooks that can be used as references for many math classes, PC apps developed to help the student "explore" math, answers to sample exams on numerous topics, Excel files to deal with specific math issues, and much more. We welcome any comments or suggestions to improve the materials; please send an email to the above address and we will see what we can do.

Math Handbooks

Algebra HandbookThe Math Handbooks cover Pre-Algebra, Algebra (through Pre-Calculus), Geometry, Trigonometry and Calculus. They began as a set of explanatory notes for tutoring students. Over time, we accumulated enough notes to organize them, eventually filling in any significant gaps to get a fairly comprehensive set of materials for typical high school and elementary college math classes.

The handbooks, in aggregate, contain over 600 pages of material, organized (to the extent possible) in one- or two-page segments by subject area. The intent is that a student needing a reference for a particular issue in math would be able to print one or two pages that would help them learn how to perform the task at hand and that would serve as a reference whenever one was needed.

To visit the Math Handbook download page, click here.

PC Apps

Algebra App ImageThe Math Suite of Apps is a set of software programs designed to help students learn by "exploring" the math they are learning. For example, if you graph a hyperbola based on a certain set of parameters, what happens to the graph if you change those parameters? Using paper and pencil, this could take a long time to investigate, but using an app, the answer appears in seconds. The same holds true for changing the slope of a line, selecting a different variable to eliminate in a system of equations, and many other areas of math. Our hope is that the apps will enhance learning of some of the more difficult parts of algebra and related subjects.

The Math Suite of Apps is written in Visual Basic, which is part of the Microsoft Visual Studio. The following apps are included in the Suite:

  1. Basic Algebra App – primarily relating to all aspects of numbers.
  2. Algebra (Main) App – main Algebra app for Algebra 1 through Pre-Calculus.
  3. Trigonometry App – app relating to Trigonometry. This app is limited in scope at the moment, but covers a number of key concepts in its current form.
  4. ProbStat App – app relating to Probability and Statistics
  5. GraphPaper App - app to create graph paper in either Cartesian or Polar form.
  6. Speed Practice App (see below) - app to improve your arithmetic skills.

The apps are in development, so not all planned capabilities are available yet. The version number of each app is provided on the opening screen for that app.

You may download the apps and use them to help you explore mathematics. They are designed for use on the PC, and are not available for Apple products.

To learn more about the PC Apps or to download them, click here.

Math by Subject

This section organizes the site's materials by course, and includes sample tests with step-by-step solutions for many courses, including Trigonometry and AP Calculus. Information relating to the Nevada High School Proficiency Exam, including sample tests, is also provided. In addition, we identify a number of publications from other sources that may be useful references to math students.

To visit the Math by Subject page, click here.

Arithmetic Speed Practice

Success in math classes can be enhanced by increasing your ability in arithmetic, both in accuracy and in speed. A number of Speed Practice files are provided to help you do this. Choose from a Microsoft Excel file that allows you to generate problems and print them (both problems and answers) or a PC App that allows you to work on your computer screen (or download both). Either way, using these files will help you improve your arithmetic ability so that you can spend more time learning math and less time struggling with arithmetic.

To visit the Arithmetic Speed Practice download page, click here.

Math Tidbits

This section provides "tidbits" of mathematics that we have found interesting and have investigated to some degree. Also, will provide essays on subjects related to education in general and math education in particular. We hope you also find them to be of some interest.

To visit the Math Tidbits page, click here.

Math Tutors

To locate tutors in math and science in your area, please contact your local high school or college. Tips for finding the right tutor for you are provided on this page.

A listing of colleges/universities and high schools in the Reno, Nevada area are provided here.

Number of visitors to this website: over 3.6 million