"Chemistry is necessarily an experimental science:
its conclusions are drawn from data, and its principles supported by evidence from facts."
- Michael Faraday



This page contains resources that may be of interest to students studying Chemistry. You will need to have a user ID and password to access them. The number of resources on this page will grow as additional items are developed. You may find that materials provided elsewhere on this site are also of interest to you. If you have any questions or special requests, please contact Earl at .

Ask the Historian

Ask the Historian. Collected Columns on the History of Chemistry 2003-2012 by William B Jensen, University of Cincinnati. Wondering about some of the oddities of Chemistry? Check out the articles in this PDF document. Fun and interesting.

Earl's Tips for Those Who Want to Excel

Earl's Success Tips – Tips to excel in any math or science class (one page). Based on experience working with high-performing high school and college students.

Earl's Chemistry Notes - AP, Honors, Regular Chemistry (requires user ID and password)

Earl's Chemistry Notes in MS Word format and in PDF format. Download the Word file as a starting point to create your own notes, or download the PDF file to any device. This version is a full set of notes from the textbook and other sources. All chapters except 21-23 (Organic Chemistry) have been reviewed and updated. If you find any errors or think more information is needed on a topic, please let Earl know.

In the MS Word file, you can ctrl-click on page numbers in the table of contents to move immediately to the desired chapter or appendix.

The textbook from which I took notes is Buthelezi, Thandi, et al. Chemistry, Matter and Change. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2008. Earl's Notes are for student use only, and are not to be distributed outside of DRHS due to copyright limitations.

AP Exam Preparation


DRHS Chemistry Textbook Companion

Solving Problems - A Chemistry Handbook. Published by McGraw-Hill as a companion to the DRHS Chemistry textbook. Contains over 300 pages of sample problems and guidance in solving Chemistry problems. Solutions to the sample problems in the Handbook begin on page 256.

Periodic Tables

Chemistry Dictionaries

ThoughtCo Chemistry Dictionary in MS Word format and in PDF format. Download the Word file as a starting point to create your own notes, or download the PDF file to any device. I would suggest downloading a copy to your phone and keeping it handy as you work in Chemistry this year. If you find any problems or errors, please let Earl know.

If you wish to access the ThoughtCo Chemistry Dictionary from its original source, click here.

To access the IUPAC online Compendium of Chemical Terminology, click here. Note that this source defines terms on a level that may be difficult for the beginning Chemisry student to understand. But, take a shot and see what you think.

Chemistry Handbooks

Intro to Chemistry Textbook

An elementary Chemistry textbook available on the Internet. Use as an additional resource for topics where you want additional information or an alternative explanation of a topic.