"In the long run, it’s not just how much money you make that will determine your future prosperity.
It’s how much of that money you put to work by saving it and investing it."
- Peter Lynch

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DRHS Future Benefits of Investing (FBI) Club - requires user ID and password.

10 Investing Tips from Peter Lynch

Peter Lynch is a legendary investor who ran Fidelity's Magellan Fund with much success. Take a look at his 10 tips for successful investing.

Investing with a Spouse or Partner (Bankrate.com)

Managing finances with a partner can be challenging, but working together to achieve financial goals is part of a successful relationship. Experts at Bankrate created a guide that provides couples with ways they can build their wealth together by creating an investment strategy. It includes:

Click here for the Bankrate guide.

Vanguard Investment Library - Investing Fundamentals and More

View a Vanguard webcast on Investing Fundamentals. This webcast will help you get started investing.

Access the entire Vanguard Webcast Library. Type a subject in the search bar to get webcasts related to specific topics in which you are interested.

Access a Vanguard document entitled "Investment fundamentals: An introduction to the Basic Concepts of Investing". Note that this document was developed for the United Kingdom, so the illustrations are in British Pounds, not Dollars; nonetheless, they are valid.

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